Skills Track
JavaScript Tutorials

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that is primarily used to create interactive front-end web experiences 🖥️.

It allows you to make web pages more dynamic and responsive to user input, by manipulating the HTML and CSS elements on a page.

It is often used in combination with other technologies like HTML and CSS to create complete web pages. It can also be used on the server side using technologies like Node.js.

It is a versatile language that can be used to create a wide range of applications and is a valuable skill to have for any aspiring web developer.

It is supported by all major web browsers, and has a large and active community that constantly creates new libraries and frameworks to help developers build complex applications more easily.

Why should you learn JavaScript?

  1. Popularity
  2. Versality
  3. Interactivity
  4. Ecosystem
  5. Job opportunities
  6. Accessibility